
Definition of conflict: Conflict is a collision or disagreement. It can be within an individual or between two individuals. We can define conflict as

"A process that begins when one party perceives that another party has negatively affected or is about to negatively affect something that the first party cares about".

Transitions in conflict

There are 3 views that perceive conflict in different ways.

1.  The traditional view

2.  Human relation view

3.  Interactionist view

The Traditional View

In early times, conflict was considered bad. It was viewed negatively. It was related to violence, destruction and harm and therefore it was to be avoided. It was considered as an outcome (result) of poor communication, lack of trust, openness between people and failure of managers to satisfy the needs of employees.

Since all conflicts were to be avoided, the causes of conflict was studied and corrected to improve organization performance.

Human Relation View

According to this view, conflict is a natural occurrence in all groups and organizations. Since it was believed that conflict was avoidable, the human relation school proposed acceptance of conflict. It believed that conflicts cannot be eliminated and there are even times when conflict may benefit a group's performance.

Interactionist View

This view encourages conflict. It believes that a harmonious, peaceful and co-operative group is prone to becoming static, and does not provide changes and innovations. It encourages group leaders to maintain a level of conflict - to keep the group self-monitoring and creative.

Types of Conflict

There are two types of conflict:  

1.  Functional conflict.

2.  Dysfunctional conflict.

Functional conflict: These are the conflicts that support the goals of the group and improve its performance. These are constructive form of conflict.

Dysfunctional conflict: These are the conflicts that hinder group performance. These are destructive forms of conflict.

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