Transmission Control Protocol

Like the IP datagram, a TCP segment is divided into two parts viz:

1.    TCP header and

2.    Data

The TCP header is also of 5 word length like IP header and is of 20 octets.

The feature of TCP header is given below.

Transmission Control Protocol

1.    Source Port (16 bits)

It specifies from which port the segment has come.

2.    Destination Port (16 bits)

It specifies to which port the segment has to be sent.

3.    Sequence Number (32 bits)

   Specifies the sequence number of the first data octet present in the segment.

4.    Acknowledgement Number (32 bits)

Contains the sequence number of the next data octet to be received.

5.    Header length

Specifies the number of 32 bit words present in the header. It is usually 5 for a 20 octet header.

6.    Unused

Reserved for future use.

7.    Flags

It is used for sending control information.

8.    Window

Specifies the number of data octets staring from the data octet specified in the acknowledgement field that the receiver is ready to receive.

9.    Checksum

Used for error detection.

10.   Urgent pointer

Contains the address of the last octet in a sequence of urgent data.

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