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In geometry, a pyramid is a polyhedron that is made up of connecting to a point or a tip at the top and polygonal base at the bottom.

The tip is also known as the apex. The pyramids can be classified as per the base they poses, for example if the pyramid contains a square as the base then it is known as "Square Pyramid". Similarly, other most common type of pyramids are triangular and hexagonal pyramids.

Surface Area of a Pyramid

While all the faces are same & has no difference,

Base Area + 12 × slant length × perimeter

While they poses difference side faces,

Lateral Area + Base Area

Volume of Pyramid

Volume of a Pyramid

Volume = (B×h)3

From the above diagram, B represents the area of the base and h represents the height of the pyramid.

Pyramid may have a base made up of square, triangle or rectangle. Hence we calculate the area of the pyramid base depending on this.

Example: The pyramid with a square base 9mts, its sides are 4mts. Calculate the volume of the given pyramid.

Solution: As the pyramid base is a square, we can say 4mts x 4mts = 16mts2

Therefore, the pyramid volume would be = (B×h)3 = (16×9)3 = 1443 = 48 mts3


Regular Pyramid

Regular pyramids are the pyramids where the lateral edges of the pyramid are all equal in length and contains a regular polygon as its base.

Next Chapters

Number Theory Linear Equation Set Theory Math Fractions
Math Functions Pyramid Calculus Cone
Cylinder Chain Rule Limits and Continuity Prime Factorization
Square Roots and Cube Roots Parabola Distance Formula Definite Integrals
Interest Simple Interest Compound Interest Area of Irregular Figures

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